
I became disturbed last week when I read this . I thought to myself, what is the point of doing all of this training when neurons have probably already stopped growing in my body? I could just, I thought, relax and try to enjoy this time from a seated, stressless position. My mood stayed darkened until Claire reminded me of the progress that I've already made with these before and after videos. Number 1, from a year ago, give or take, shows a very careful Declan trying with all his might, to walk a few meters with his cane. In video number 2, we find our hero much more confident in his approach. So, what I take from this demo, is that training works. So, I'll keep it up. I would ask you all to please, if you see me in a wheelchair, ask me "shouldn't you be trying to walk?" The answer should be, most of the time, "yes, you're right" My Tree