Neurorehabilitation From the Trenches: Push It
It has been relatively easy for me to get into a position to submit an article like this one. It has been made easy (or easier than it may otherwise have been, anyway). The main theme of this article will be that what is required in an extreme circumstance, such as this, is very unpleasant and the sooner you can come to terms with that, the sooner you can start sprinting toward independence. I recently got a new neurologist, here, in Bergedorf. My initial appointment was very helpful but also quite stressful, for me, not for Claire. Firstly, I should preface this with the fact that I am a type-B personality while Claire is definitely a type-A . I remember the neurologist uttering the words that must have been music to Claire’s ears while they left me feeling pretty nervous. “Your rehabilitation needs to be intense.... you will have to train for more than three hours daily for the next years and after maybe three years you will still have to put in a minimum of 1.5 hours ever...