I won a competition recently on Neuroreha4you. The prize was this very impressive gadget. The Arys Me Tracker.

I have been, over the last few months, concentrating most of my training on walking. That was a mistake that I hope to rectify with the help of ARYS Me. Having used it for a few days I can wholly recommend it for anyone who needs focused rehabilitation on their hand. I wear it on my left arm, like a fit-bit, but it can be worn equally on the right. It works, like so many things these days, with an App --- Apple or Android --- an Android app in my case, which keeps me motivated in several ways.

Firstly, inactivity is met with a reminder in the shape of a vibrating alarm, which is annoying enough to snap me out of whatever distraction I have at the time, and begin to focus my efforts on my tree.

What's this tree? I hear you ask. As you will see in the pictures, mine is barely what can be described as a shrub at the moment. Achieving certain tasks throughout the day can afford you the chance to purchase water to help grow your tree. I think future blog posts will have a section at the end, My Tree, that will allow you to monitor my progress, of which I will be very proud indeed.

I'd like to thank Dr Ottes for putting on this competition because I feel that, with the ARYS Me Tracker, rehabilitation of my hand will be an adventure.

My Tree


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