
My third acciversary came and went this week. It all went Pete Tong on 16th of September, 2017. So here’s an update on my progress thus far. Double Vision This is the most wondrous of my impediments, following the accident. I’m fairly confident that the double vision is being caused by a slowness in the movement of my left eye. What most of you are seeing now is a left eye picture overlayed by a right eye picture, or vice versa; this gives you and your autonomic nervous system the advantage of a perception of depth. The absence of this data is making my life tough, especially with a damaged part of the brain that deals with coordination and balance. Not to mention spasticity affecting my gait. It has seen some improvement but I still need the eye-patch for cane-walking because an incomplete picture is more useful to my autonomic nervous system than a dishonest one. My Harm My hand and arm will be a problem for life. I broke my Yband. I attempted to have it repaired, when I learned...