
My third acciversary came and went this week. It all went Pete Tong on 16th of September, 2017. So here’s an update on my progress thus far.

Double Vision

This is the most wondrous of my impediments, following the accident. I’m fairly confident that the double vision is being caused by a slowness in the movement of my left eye. What most of you are seeing now is a left eye picture overlayed by a right eye picture, or vice versa; this gives you and your autonomic nervous system the advantage of a perception of depth. The absence of this data is making my life tough, especially with a damaged part of the brain that deals with coordination and balance. Not to mention spasticity affecting my gait. It has seen some improvement but I still need the eye-patch for cane-walking because an incomplete picture is more useful to my autonomic nervous system than a dishonest one. 

My Harm

My hand and arm will be a problem for life. I broke my Yband. I attempted to have it repaired, when I learned that the manufacturer had changed to Tyromotion, a rehabilitation company with products, which I had encountered before. When I attempted to have it repaired, one of their employees, Christoph, offered me a replacement, which I gratefully accepted. The only downside was that I lost the tree that I had cultivated. Not wishing to spend time researching how to save the progress from the old YBand, and feeling the baby tree would offer a more accurate reflection of my progress, I started from scratch. This time it would be quicker, I thought, which has proven to be true.


To celebrate my acciversary I went for a run, which you can enjoy a video of.
Note, the video is only playable on a browser, so there’s no point attempting to view it with the Blogger app.
As you can see my run isn’t all too impressive, but it’s considerably more so than just 6 months ago, so onward and upward.

My Tree

As I mentioned, I had to start over. Here's a summary of my new progress. I'm on level 20


*biking                    10k        24:47
rowing                     3k          18:00
skierg                      1400m   11:00

The observant among you will have noticed that my "new record" is marginally slower than my previous "record", that's because my previous stated record was wishful guess work. This is valid.


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