T he Selfish Gene 30th Anniversary Edition is on its way to the winner of our Sylly-Train competition, which is now closed, James Treanor. The winning syllytrain: The surgeons recommend undergoing obligatory neurobiological neovascularization [sic]. Apologies James, I was unable to find a hardback 40th Anniversary edition on amazon. I hope you enjoy reading The Selfish Gene a s much as I did. Today I'd like to talk about the gradualness of my healing process . Sometimes I think "this must be a bit like what getting old is like". As is common, I'm sure, following The Selfish Gene I have started The Extended Phenotype, by the same author. It's difficult to explain why, but I know it will take me several weeks to get to the end of it. I have found myself re-reading entire chapters of The Selfish Gene , for example, quite, at first, by accident. I might start reading and, suddenly , suspect myself of having skipped a chunk. By the time I realise I was mistaken, I...