On the Mend

This article has two goals. The first is to mention my buddy Cathal McCoy, which I intend to do, in more detail, later, to make him eligible for a guest post. He visited last weekend along with Claire's Uncle Wim and his (Wim's) wife, Bettina. I've just mentioned all three now, that ought to keep us well stocked with guest bloggers.

The second goal for today, is to follow through on an earlier promise, I had made, to introduce some cultural differences between krauts and Micks. Specifically, I would like to outline a very specific scenario that occurs, only in Deutschland, and get some of your feedback. Picture it: You're sitting in your (wheel)chair, minding your own business, enjoying the midday heat, you have, for convenience, very deliberately, placed your bag at your feet. You're reading your Kindle, approaching a paragraph crescendo, when, from behind you, you become aware of a presence "Entschuldigen Sie, haben Sie Ihren Beutel verloren?" This is not the first time, so you're ready for it. "Nein! es ist OK." What has just happened is that you have been accused of being a dirty, lazy person, with questionable hygiene standards.

It is perfectly reasonable, in Ireland, to use the earth as a resting place for one's belongings. Look at the picture for crying out loud. What is it about the German outlook, or that of a hospital attendee, that views such banal gestures with hostility? Don't get me wrong, if I had dropped the bag, in my current state, I'd be glad of the help, but look again at that picture. That is clearly not a man in distress.

Briefly, now, I would like to mention what my guests and I did last weekend. The wheelchair was folded gently in the boot, while I was placed in the front passenger seat. Cathal, Wim, Bettina(driving), Claire and  myself were driven the short distance to here.  This was not Claire and my first time. suffice it to say, we had a charming time and a very tasty Abendessen. Claire and I, being vegetarians, were well looked after. I was also pleased with the wheelchair facilities. I'm going to write a 'tripadvisor' review of the place, right away.


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