
Before I get started I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone who has been mentioned anywhere on this blog to submit an article. Email is fine: Any submissions will be edited before publishing. Any subject is fine. However, it would be excellent if there is some educational aspect to it. My hope is that this blog would be a source, for anyone struggling with TBI, or anyone who has an acquaintance so afflicted. As I'm writing this I've thought of a number of other possible target groups. So, really anything. I got word this week that I will soon be heading into phase D in my epic rehabilitation. This is great news. It's progress. I've decided that now is as good a time as any to give this status update. When I became conscious following my coma. I had, and still have, three major stumbling blocks, that would preclude me from picking up my life where I left off. They are, in no particular order, my double vision, my (lack of...