Give Me Strength

This accident has served to open my eyes and suitably enrage me. The God Delusion and God is not Great by Professor Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens (sorely missed), respectively, sort of surprised me . I thought "they're better than this". I take that back and it took a near death experience, for me, to see how important books like these, by people like these, are.

As I lay comatose in Malta, at least two totally futile things were happening. Firstly, well wishers were calling to my parents' house. I greatly appreciate genuine wishes of wellness. An alarming number of these well wishers took, with them, mass cards. I do NOT appreciate this. To think I was indirectly funding an organisation, like the catholic church, does not sit well with me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, to avoid any such future squandering, I am not religious. You might, rightly, call me an atheist. This fellow explains my motivation, or lack thereof, better than I ever could, but, I'm embarrassed that I am affiliated with any organised religion.

The second thing that happened as I lay comatose was that a relic, Padre Pio's glove if I'm not mistaken, was being shaken, voodoo doll-like, I imagine, around my resting head. Thank goodness I, or anyone else, didn't catch something nasty off this thing. Legend has it that Padre Pio was fortunate enough to receive the Stigmata, although, that story is not without its own controversies.

In conclusion, allow me to reiterate: I don't believe in Jesus, god or the holy spirit so spare me anything related to them, unless I publicly become religious. I think it's daft. A small donation to, for example, the ISPCA will be much preferred, next time, to a mass card.


  1. Please God there will not be a next time.

  2. Making my way through your blogs deccy, this one gave me a chuckle.


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