I Want to Ride My Tricycle

I want to ride it where I like. This morning I made the first steps toward getting a tricycle (or Dreirad as it's known in Germany). Claire and I went to the Dreirad Zentrum in neighbouring (to Bergedorf) Wentdorf to try one of them out. I was shown out to the car park with my tricycle and permitted to go for it. The brake was unfortunately on my left handlebar but I was assured that this could be easily amended; also, I wasn't as confident on it as I dreamt I would be. My left foot kept slipping off the pedal if I wasn't paying complete attention to keeping it there. Again, the sales person had a solution for that too, he would ensure my left pedal could be replaced with a more secure alternative. There was one snag; I would have to wait two long weeks. That sucked, but they needed to order it, so what could I do? I had hoped to have it for this weekend.

The wheelchair's days are numbered. The tricycle will come with much more independence. Eventually, Claire will only have to see me down the stairs and on to my trike, then I can make my way to physio. Anna, my physio, could meet me then, off the trike, and I'll have completed almost the entire journey, alone. The timing is great. As the days are getting warmer, Claire and I can plan many cycles over the summer. A bit shorter and slower than we're used to, but it's something to look forward to, quality of life. As well as that, almost all our journeys that we have been doing with the wheelchair or Alinker will be replaced with the tricycle and, when I get a bit more confident with the cane, I can make these journeys alone.

After it arrives, and I've had some more time with it, I'll do a full review including pictures but, for now, all I want to do is TRICYLE!


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