Aschaffenburg Therapiezentrum

As weeks in my life go, this has been highly irregular. My first week, of two weeks, in Autonomie Therapiezentrum, Aschaffenburg has ended, so here follows the lowdown on my stay, so far, in Aschaffenburg: I'm living Partridgesque in an hotel, The Olive Inn, a mere 500 meters from theTherapie zentrum. I have to taxi it to and from my therapies daily. To get here Claire and I took the train from Hamburg, it took around 4 hours last Saturday. After we spent the first night of my epic hotel dwelling together, we went through the actions I would later require, for example, getting with my wheelchair outside to wait for a taxi and safely returning to my room. We (she) also fixed a safety handle on the wall near the toilet. As soon as Claire was satisfied that I was in no imminent danger, she was free to return to Hamburg on the train, until Friday when she would return to check on me and do some weekend training.

She has just left for Hamburg for the second time, after a very eventful weekend. I had felt it myself, but she confirmed that there was a marked improvement in my physicality. What happens in the Therapiezentrum? I hear you ask. Well, the answer is "lots of therapie". Mostly physio, but there is an hour each, of speech and occupational therapy, making up 6 hours of daily therapy, including access to some hi-tech equipment. I mentioned to one of the physiotherapists, one day, that I had ordered myself a 4-pronged cane, low and behold, the very next day he had sourced one for me to use for practice while there. I now have a technique for walking that, as long as I'm very careful, is safe enough to, one day, manage alone. Another therapist also highlighted certain muscle groups that would benefit, along with my balance, from working out.

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the final week of my intensive therapy. If the gains from week 2 match the first week, I'll be well on my way to cane walking independence.

Just to briefly mention my final pre-Aschaffenburg Annas Physio session. It was epic; It was early last Friday, before Athlevo gym opened, so we had uninterrupted access to all the machines; we got stuck in.


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