Nur die Harten Kommen in den Garten

It's been a while; so much for breaking my monthly article record in October, there's always next month. So I would ask that you do some soul searching, to see if you can come up with a publishable (basically anything) guest article. Some ideas are; a book review; a recipe. Since I'm back at work, it will get increasingly difficult to produce an article every week so I will get evermore reliant on guest articles.

There has been something of a breakthrough in my training. I won't bore you with the details but the result is that I have committed to the following. It will soon be time for the Weihnachtsmarkt here, in Bergedorf. I can remember last year during the xmas markets, naively suggesting that I would be walking at the markets "next year" (this year). Well, that's not likely and, frankly, impossible unless I increase my intensity between now and then. So, I've decided to do just that. This will entail walking, outside if possible, every day.

This is me yesterday, walking for dinner:

The secret will be to try to enjoy it. At the moment, I associate walking outside on the hard concrete with terror. As my balance and coordination (annoyingly gradually) improve I will get more and more used to walking with the cane, until it becomes second nature. I have decided to mark the end of this 6 week intensive walking therapy with an attempt at breaking (smashing) my 400M record in the Billtal Stadion.

As well as my typical, daily training, I will strive to try to use every opportunity to contribute to my brain's plasticity. I have started setting an hourly alarm on my phone to remind myself to move. When the alarm goes off I safely get into a standing position and hold that for 5 minutes. My plan is to go to Monaghan for a few days around xmas, during which time, I will keep this up while, and I'll need to be policed, every second hour, rather than standing up, I will require some support while I attempt a lap of the house with my cane. I think 7pm is a reasonable cut off time during the festive season.

My Tree

I heard this week, that I may be the subject of an Arys interview/article in the future. Here is my tree of recovery from last week:

This is from today:


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