Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

I finally got finished reading Professor Robert Sapolsky’s first book. I’ve been reading it for over a month. This was down to my slowed processing, but also because, about half way through it, I decided to use the process of reading the book as training for the return of my single-vision, by removing the eye patch during reading. It was a triumph for my vision but also my education.

This is more science than we saw with the Baboons in A Primates Memoir, but don’t be put-off, it’s every bit as engaging, which would be expected from this fellow; the cover of the book brags of him, the following compliment, from no less of a man than Oliver Sacks CBE FRCP, “one of the best scientist-writers of our time”, and, based on my experience, I’ve no reason to suspect even a slight exaggeration. I’ll say this for him, only Professor Richard Dawkins had less noticeable, grammatical errors. I only noticed one in the two books I’ve read of his, so far, but that’s perhaps down to good editors, and the amazon kindle*. In summary, I’ll say this; If you only read one pop-science book, read The Selfish Gene, but if you will read a second science book, ever, make it this one**

As the cover suggests, this is a comprehensive guide to stress. What cause’s stress? What can exacerbate stress? What can make a person more susceptible to stress related diseases? And there’s even, in the final chapter, a guide to managing stress. It’s easy to read, and packed full of factoids, for example, I learned that a person won’t get cancer from Stress, at least there aren’t any scientific studies, of people, which have shown this causal link. I won’t ruin any more of this wonderful book, so you should get your hands on a copy.

One of the winning features of the Kindle is the ability to alert, the publisher presumably, when the reader comes across a stress inducing grammatical error.

I am currently reading https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41552709-the-uninhabitable-earth and, although it’s technically a pop-science book, it doesn’t make it into consideration due to my only being on chapter II. But, I can’t help but feel that it’s required reading; watch this space.


I didn’t disappoint. As well as my usual records, I had a visit from Conor and Frank at the weekend; we went to the Billtal Stadion for an attempt at my 400 meter record.

400 meter lap 400m 38 minutes
biking  10k 29 minutes
rowing  3k 20:30
skierg  1370m 11 minutes

My Tree


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