Neurorehabilitation From The Trenches: visión doble / ダブルビジョン

As the title suggests, I'm going to talk once more about my double vision. What do you mean that wasn't clear? OK, I'll admit it, that was a cynical ploy by me to appeal to my Japanese and Honduran readerships. More on that in the Appeal section.

One of the many take-homes I had from Autonomie was a factoid I learned from my Logopädin. Namely, the reason for the ubiquitous eye-patch seen on a pirate, is not what you might believe. My memories of pirates, from my childhood, were based on the stereotypical pirate with the eye-patch and hook-for-a-hand. I put 2 and 2 together, with no google to research, and deduced that he must have accidentally gouged his eye out. I thought it was safe to assume that an eyepatch is to prevent infection of, and staring at, a wound the pirate had received or inadvertently given to himself. I could not have been more wrong. As I have since confirmed, the eye-patch was used unintuitively to give the wearer the power to see in the dark. Imagine Bluebeard has been sailing on deck, in the sunshine, and suddenly has to run below deck to fetch something. The contrast between overdeck and below deck was such that the poor pirate would suffer from temporary blindness. The eye patch gets one eye, either one, accustomed to darkness, allowing Bluebeard to simply switch eyes and retrieve the treasure map, or whatever, minimum fuss. I had been noticing a deficiency in my vision at bed time. There are no curtains in our room, by design, so at bedtime the room is half moonlit. When I get into bed, the first thing to come off is the eye-patch. I remember the first time, I thought I was having a stroke; I removed the eyepatch from my right eye, and suddenly there was a noticeable difference between both eyes. My left eye was suddenly useless to me, eventually though, all was well.

In other double-vision-news, It continues to improve at snail's pace. I have an appointment next month, with a doctor who specialises in vision in terms of the brain, so I'll hopefully have solid information after that consultation, but I have pretty much nailed the root cause, with Claire's help. Our opinion is as follows; if you turn your head 90 degrees and look at something in particular over there, you will probably find it difficult to avoid staring directly at that thing, a better example is as follows: Stare at something directly in front of you, while focusing on that thing, pivot your head left and right. You are not actively moving your eyes; yet they are moving. Our diagnosis is that whatever nerves are involved in the eye movement aren't doing it correctly for my left eye. This results in the merging process being delayed.


I have introduced a new record. Anna and I try to cane-walk around the block, on which Athlevo is, the distance is ~500m. My PB is around 45 minutes, but this includes my first, recorded record attempt. So, no asterisk.
Around the block  500m**  51:20
*biking           10k     28:xx
rowing            3k      18:50
skierg            1380m   11 minutes

** disputed

The Block - more or less

My Tree

I am having mixed success with my finger clicking, a video of which I'll post soon.


Not to sound needy, but this blog needs some guest bloggers. Any language will suffice so just go for it. 


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