Welcome to my World

I could not have picked a better time, during which to be housebound. Oh, is it very inconvenient for you? not to be able to leave the house, or dart to the shops to grab a bit of fruit, or whatever, well, welcome to my world. Claire wonders how I do it. I just do, but hopefully I can give you some pointers that can help.

My first piece of advice is around sleep. I recommend using this forced lull to improve your sleeping habits. 7-9 hours is the recommended amount of sleep a human requires in order to function correctly the next day. I recommend experimenting by starting to aim for 9, slowly curtailing your slumber daily until you find the optimal duration for you, because it's different for everyone. Further to this, I recommend adhering to the old adage, as though going to bed early and waking early will make you healthy, wealthy and wise. This has the added bonus of regulating a healthy diet, consisting of three square meals, no snacking.

The secret to fending off boredom, unsurprisingly, is to keep yourself busy. To this end, I'd like to recommend Pluralsight; they are offering all their courses, free of charge for the month of April.

Finally, in the spirit of fending off boredom, I'd like to re-invite all of you to submit a guest article.


*Around the block 500m    51:20
biking            10k     26:37
rowing             3k     18:00
skierg           1400m    11:00

My Tree


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