The Four Horsemen

Some problem with the editor meant that I was unable to upload any pictures this month

This month will see a book review of The Four Horsemen

You may have noticed a pattern; that only positive book reviews make it as a subject of a coma2tri blog article. That's because life's too short to invest time reading something that might be no-good. In this case, I knew I was on a winner, having watched the conversation, upon which this book was based. As the four contributors are listed on the cover, they each, in turn, alphabetically, contributed an essay, on the subject of religiosity, all following an excellent foreward by Stephen Fry. I allowed myself to suppose that Hitchens would get his turn, by way of an essay he had completed on his death-bed. Well -- spoiler alert -- there is no such essay. It gets started, as I've said, with an excellent forward by Stephen Fry. The three :( following essays whet the appetite sufficiently, for the extremely well conducted discussion to follow. I will highly recommend this book, if you're flirting with atheism and would need that final push. As for the rest of you, after having read this, all I can say is "what's the matter with you?".

Of all the many sound, reasoned arguments against there existing a creator, I feel the most persuasive is the inverse of what Richard Dawkins refers to as the "argument from personal incredulity". Science has shown through various means, that there has been life on the planet earth for approximately 4 billion years. The moderately religious -- I'm speaking about the organised religion, into which I was born-- would have you believe that a God created that initial life on planet earth in his image, with the surity that this life would evolve, through Darwinian natural selection, into a being in God's own image, over 4 billion years, just in time to witness the virgin birth of his own son, before having him murdered, thus providing God with his sacrifice that he needed in order to forgive us our sins. It beggers belief; and that's just the moderates, the rest of them, would have you believe, among other things, that God made the earth and all life on it in just six days (after which, as Cat stevens famously declared, before his conversion; "Blackbird has spoken like the first bird"), about six thousand years ago, despite the endless scientific evidence, contrary to that assertion.

I will afford, and encourage, anyone who disagrees,the right-to-reply, to really give my disclaimer a workout. I should say that I'm only interested in the truth value of there being an "unmoved mover", whatever that means. Arguments about the usefulness, or not, of the population believing that there is such a mover, can be treated separately --- although important, it's irrelevant here. I believe, the onus rests entirely on true believers to prove that there was and is such a creator. So, let's be having you. Of course any guest article, about anything, will be gratefully accepted.


*Around the block 500m    45:02
*biking                    10k       26:12
rowing                     3k          18:00
skierg                      1400m   11:00

This is the first week, in which an asterisk(*) will denote a new record.

My Tree
No pic but I'm on level 41


The views expressed in this article, are not necessarily the views of the blog owner, rather they are the views and opinions of the guest blogger.


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