Making Sense

This month sees a review of a non-standard book and in spite of that – or because of that – a super read. Many of you will be familiar with the podcast “Making Sense”, which is hosted by Sam Harris – one of the four horsemen – he compiled some of the best conversations to-date, from the podcast, inviting the interviewees to elaborate and enrich the content of each interview, and it resulted in an extremely readable, educational end-product. 

The interviewees assembled for this showcase of the excellent podcast, include many scientific minds, which I had not yet encountered, as well as one or two people whom I was familiar with; for example, Professor Robert Sapolsky, who I had always naively thought would make an excellent guest for Sam; I’m glad to say I wouldn’t have been wrong. That reminds me of a youtube video that I watched recently, of a conversation between Joe Rogan and Robert Sapolsky, that you are encouraged to watch, it deals with a subject that is an example of how nuts life can be. 

If you are a fan of reading, prepare to have your reading list expanded, because as with most publicised interviews the subject is flogging something; if the subject is an intellectual, chances are that thing being sold is a book. Sam Harris’s podcast is an excellent platform for such an endevour. You will leave this book smarter than you were before starting and, secondly, as a subscriber to Making Sense.  


I did not record any improvements this month, so I guess that means there weren't any.

My Tree


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