Memoirs of a Geisha

And now for the first segment of my New Year's resolution of 2021. My New Year's resolutions include such things as reading two books per month, of which I'll review the most deserving on this blog. Since I'll be reviewing once a month, I'll also provide a monthly update on my rehabilitation; so a bi-weekly (twice-monthly believe it or not) blog article is another of my resolutions. I have decided to include some fiction in my resolution, so one of each, fiction and non-fiction, bi-weekly.

Being that my non-fiction for January is very short, coupled with the fact that I have not yet started it, you will be treated, deservedly or not, to a review of Memoirs of a Geisha (MG).

You know I don't like to give much away, so I'll outline my motives for choosing it and let you know if it lived up to the promise. I only know of two books that I greedily read through, which upon finishing, I was sad that it was over. I received MG as an xmas present from someone who had a similar experience with MG, and I did not have the same experience. For one thing, it seems to me that MG is glorified "chick-lit" there are just shy of 500 pages therein, of which I would say 100 had my full attention, and greediness for more; the rest were full of similes, which seemed to be growing in their ludicrousness, so much so, that I felt myself looking around for a hidden camera, like a suspicious prisoner waiting for the warden to march in and catch him.

e.g: I just randomly opened MG and chose one:

"I felt I might float up into the air, just like a piece of ash from a fire...."

500 pages of one of those, on average, every third page was irritating.

Now, I have to read this before month end; February will be a  match-up between this and this; watch this space.


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