Neurorehabilitation from the Trenches: February, 2022


I didn't get as much walking in this month for various reasons, including the weather. But I have been fairly consistent with my other training. I'm feeling confident enough to predict that I'll be walking independently with my cane at this year's Weihnachtsmarkt, fingers crossed.

My Eyes

March will be the month of Sehschule, which I mentioned last month. There have been micro improvements, but once I get my prism glasses, they will always be on, when I'm on my feet.


I wouldn't notice any improvements inside a month, but I'm sure they're there.

Book Recommendation

I've recently recommenced P.G. Wodehouse's (I did it again J.P. 😳) Jeeves Saga with "Right Ho Jeeves" and, although it feels lazy to recommend Wodehouse, I feel this is the best one yet. Wooster tries his hand at out Jeevesing Jeeves, with hilarious results. He takes it upon himself to try to fix problems but ends up creating additional problems, he does this because he feels that Jeeves is losing it, which of course he isn't.


I'm afraid I created another bloodbath from my left hand which saw my GAA glove split and expose my forefinger, so I didn't get a chance to break my record. I should be good to go, once that heels.


As already mentioned, I've got nothing.

Peloton: FIFTEEN minutes, Oregon Columbia River

I was forced into an elongation, with my relocation.

Peloton: Best Class


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