Neurorehabilitation from the Trenches: March, 2022

 Wecome to the first post-Oscar blog post.


I have been tinkering, once again, with my training schedule, but I think I'm happy with it. The main change is that I will now alternate between the Treadmill and Peloton, each morning. I used to do this, but I'm up to 1KM on the Treadmill, so it's better now. On Peloton day I just do a 30-minute, low-impact class, if I've broken my record on Oregon Columbia river. I broke my step-count record, according to my phone, though I'm not sure how it knows. This was on the day of my epic 1.7K on the treadmill. That was extremely challenging, so I was happy to accept the plaudit.

My Eyes

I delayed this post, to wait for the results of my consultation with the Neuro Ophthalmologist. Bad news, I'm afraid, I needn't have bothered. He spotted a lesion on my eyeball, which explains my double vision. Sadly, it would require an operation, which he would not recommend, as it may cause other aspects of my vision to deteriorate. I agree, that "it's better the devil you know". It is always improving, slowly.


I may seek out a new Logopedie (speech therapist) post-covid. Watch this space.


I have no book to recommend this month. Instead I have a tip for forgetful people. I had some success with an android app that I've forgotten the name of. I no longer use it because its features are taken care of by the standard Android clock. I'm talking about alarm labels. This allows you, the forgetful person, to assign labels to individual alarms. It is important to assign meaningful labels to each alarm, otherwise you may be confused about why, exactly, your phone is going off.

To assign a label, "click" on 'Label'


A new record


A malfunctioning of my watch means that I have no data for strava this month. I'll be back in April.

Peloton: 15 minutes Oregon Columbia River

Peloton: Best Class


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