
I would like to wish you all, on behalf of Claire and myself, a super xmas and break from work.

I have decided to right a wrong that I perpetrated. Gradualism is the correct noun for gradual. This correction is very timely indeed, as it arrives as I'm enjoying the fruits of a particular skill's gradual return.

Logopaedie (simplified) is the therapy that is concerned with the journey of anything to/from one's mouth to/from their stomach. These include words and food, so it's pretty important, especially in the neurological context. The new skill that I have reacquired is gargling, which encompasses most of what must be the essence of what logopaedie is all about.

This fills me with hope and wonder, as I marvel at the wonderfully complex piece of machinery that is the brain. My confidence is restored in the fact that I will one day be restored to something similar to my former self. I tried, many times, to gargle mouth wash over these past 15 months, or at least 10, without success. A typical result would be me sitting in front of the mirror with a craned neck,  throatily singing to the ceiling with mouth wash spilling out the corners of my mouth and on to my t-shirt. When I think of the various systems, automated and otherwise, that work together to produce a successful gargle, I can't help but see the parallels with (nerd alert) the microservices software architectural style. I can't remember/know if my mouth, lungs or one of the other microservices was misfiring, but I know that it started firing again recently. I imagine that other skills, including walking, are waiting on one or two microservices to get their act together.


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