The Week of the Weihnachtsmarkt

It has been simply wonderful living at home these past 3 weeks, not least because my out-patient care is going swimmingly in Reha Hamburg. My days consist of personal training and supervised training, all mixed with life training, a.k.a living at home. My alarm goes off at 5am. Claire and I get showered and ready then we eat some breakfast and chat about our day. I hired a lady, Jenny, to collect me in the mornings and bring me to my therapies. Typically, Jenny picks me up at 07:15am, so that gives Claire some time to guide me down the 3 flights of stairs and into my waiting wheelchair.

An hour is the approximate travel time to Reha Hamburg from Bergedorf. My therapies usually start around 09:00 (24 hour clock) and they are, as my new neurologist would say, a natural step-up from what I had been doing in Bad Segeberg. As well as the consistantly excellent therapies; I have group sessions in the very well equipped, and physiotherapist-supervised, gym; plus, I get solid advice on what I could do, in my free time, at home. Therapies are usually wrapped up by 16:00 when Claire returns, after her day's work, to wheel me back to Bergedorf via public transport.

Now, I'm back at home, it's a good time to briefly review the Weihnachtsmarkt. Last Monday saw the opening of both the main, Hamburg Weihnachtsmarkt, by the Alster lake and our very own, Bergedorfer Weihnachtsmarkt. I have added some photos which should do it justice, but as a non-German, I find it enchanting. It's much less boistrous than the main Hamburg counterpart, but just as charming and very wheelchair friendly.


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