
This past weekend was a bank holiday weekend, as it would be called in Ireland. Bank holidays work a little differently here. In Ireland, whichever day of the week the occasion that deserves a bank holiday falls on, the bank holiday will fall on the next Monday (with the exception of Good Friday), giving a long weekend to everyone. In Germany, it's the luck of the draw, with the exception of last weekend. Monday was Whit Monday. That coincided with a triathlon in Luebeck which Claire was taking part in. So, off we went on the train with the trike and Claire's racing bike.

Luebeck was great for my training. As well as gaining more experience with trains, the great weather we got in Luebeck meant that I got to trike around. As well as improving on the previous weekend's mileage, I also got the opportunity to cane walk in, among other places, Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, which is the main railway station in Hamburg. Claire noted that I'm gaining in confidence; I felt it too. On bank holiday Monday, we were invited to the lovely home of our friends Anita and Philip. You may remember that I interviewed Anita when I was in Bad Segeberg. It was Anita's birthday on Monday so Happy Birthday! once again and thanks very much for the lovely breakfast.

Our reason for choosing Luebeck as a destination for our day tripping was the triathlon that Claire was competing in, and I was spectating at (I had to look up the correct preposition to use). Owing to the weather I enjoyed the spectating, from a deck chair near the transition point, I didn't even have time to read much of my book with plenty of running and cycling going on around me. Claire didn't manage a PB, but she did better than expected given the level of training she had had time for.

The weather is promising to stay pretty much hot around here, in the short term at least. So bring on the weekend, as I try to improve on Luebeck's mileage personal record. There will hopefully be more day tripping with the trike.


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