Free Will

I'm back. This should be a record breaking month in more ways than one. I'd like to talk about the issue of free will as it relates to my rehabilitation.

My position is simple enough, but I'll outline it fully, so you'll know exactly where I stand. Basically, similar to all free will deniers, I don't believe that free will exists. By that I mean, we are the sum of our physical parts. My position is that we are similarly limited of mind (we, most of us, could never match the brilliance of Einstein), as we are athletically (likewise, few of us could do, with a football, what Lionel Messi does every week).

For me, there is no wiggle room from that point of view. It's all physical. What I would concede is that, for most of us, the brain can be trained; but even that requires will, so childhood is the last chance to really shape your future in what we would consider a useful way.

Furthermore, I equate free will non-denial with religiosity. The very idea of self is flawed, in my view; it's based on centuries of misinformation.

Back to me, and my rehabilitation. I may have the physicality, visibly in place, to walk, without a cane, 100Ms; but that is not going to happen anytime soon; no more than you are likely to run 100Ms in 9 seconds.

My Tree


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