Neurorehabilitation from the Trenches: July, 2021

Tomorrow, Monday, will see the start of 2-weeks' holiday. I am spending most of that first week in Bavaria, having traveled here on Saturday by train, for the first time without the wheelchair. It wasn't that different from the last time, when I left the wheelchair in the car boot for the duration of my stay, but it does represent change; onward and upward.


The treadmill has made it into my rehab rotation. I now alternate between the Peloton and treadmill each morning. On treadmill day, I simply walk while holding on, for dear life, to the convenient handles, which double as a pulse reader. Early on, I learned that I needed to wear some kind of covering, to protect the inside of my left thumb, which became the source of a bloodbath on my maiden attempt, by becoming frayed by an inoffensive, easily-avoidable plastic joint. Now, as I march with my blue marigold on one hand -- and my safety clip -- I reach the blistering pace of 1.2KMPH, which has been gradually increased from the minimum of 1 KMPH. I started with an achievable distance, of 110 metres (don't ask), but now am up to 600 metres, and I believe that between the treadmill and peloton -- broken record alert -- I will achieve independence with my cane in time for this year's Weihnachtsmarkt.

My Eyes

I have not yet had my prism glasses prescription filled, but I've noticed an organic improvement. During my hourly balance training, which I do standing by my desk in the office, looking out the window at our neighbours' house: There are two sides to the window, separated by a standard dividing line, which separates both windows (doors) at the half-way point. Looking out through both windows/doors simultaneously, I have found it interesting that the direction, in which each eye is pointing is isolated, or framed, by their respective window (door); when I lean to one side or the other, the view which exists in the frame on whichever side I lean, becomes the view for my three-dimensional view of the neighbours' garden. Anyway, over time, involving much alternate leaning, the differences have lessened.

My Speech

My talking is continuing to improve, at snail's pace.

Next time I will include an image of the treadmill's display, which should show a gradual elongation of distance, stopping at 1K, which will be my limit because of time constraints, even though I will occasionally break my record, which you will be informed about.


The Liegerad is momentarily out-of-commision, following a problem with my gears, but thanks again to Claire who conspired with the Liegeradstudio to get my needed derailleur (very french-looking, if google is to be believed) installed, I should be back in action to share a further improvement, next time.

Peloton: Best Class

Peloton: Melbourne at Night


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