Very Good, Jeeves!: Everyman

 Very Good, Jeeves!

That is not a typo, The book is entitled 'Very Good, Jeeves!'. Everyman is the publisher*. They have produced, among other things, the entire Wodehouse back catalog in sleeved hardback, complete with consistent artwork. I jumped ahead, and bought 'Something Fresh', produced by a different company, and I'll have to purchase it again as an Everyman; otherwise my Wodehouse collection will be lacking, when I finally complete it.

* not true, the publisher is Outlook; Everyman is the name of the series of reprints.

Wodehouse was a master of writing witty prose. He has two recurring sagas, This is part of the "Jeeves & Wooster" saga, and it is a suitable entry point to this saga, as it contains marvelously constructed, funny short-stories: a new tale per chapter, which is not that dissimilar to what I've seen of Jeeves so far, where each new chapter deals with a problem requiring Jeeves's intervention.

Thank you, Jeeves

Wodehouse delivers another stellar offering here. Jeeves quits, following Wooster's insistence on playing the banjolele (it's a kind of banjo)

Anyway, timeless hilarity ensues.

Blandings Castle

This is similar to 'Very Good, Jeeves!' in that it serves as an introduction to the characters in the 'Blandings Castle' saga, without being the first in the series. Short Story after short story, including some that are not of that saga, set in America. After this you will be suitably warmed to the key figures and you won't believe your luck, having heaps of books to look forward to.

Python Cookbook & Math for Programmers

I failed , in my attempt to reeducate myself in maths. It felt a bit like leaving cert (the exams, which mark the leaving by a particular year-group of secondary school, in Ireland); I skipped through the chapters but nothing was sticking, I found myself, a number of times, unsure which chapter I was on. So I'll start again, a little less ambitiously. I will take a chapter, each month to slowly but surely get into.

As for the Python Cookbook: I am now a python convert. It's so straight-forward to get things done, it's no surprise to me that python is the language of choice for working with data. I'm sure I'll share some Python code with you as I reattempt my ambitious project a chapter of the maths book at a time, as well as a suitable python recipe at a time, from the cookbook.


As you may be aware, I view The Selfish Gene as a must-read; so imagine my disappointment when I failed in my attempt at the follow-up, 'The Extended Phenotype'(EP). There was knowledge lacking, without which it was going in one ear, so to speak, and out the other. I hope to rectify that with this

Then in September, I plan to try EP again.

While we were in Denmark, we purchased a coffee-table-book, which I'll look forward to reading by the end of August.


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