
Happy New Year! I enjoyed a fun filled Xmas break, during which, one of my friends explained that they take exception with 'Xmas' being used as an alternative for Christmas. I, for one, view 'Xmas' not as a lefty thing, but as a protest of Christianities' monopoly of all our time off work. So it's Xmas.

Back to the description of my, to use another Americanism, holidays. Firstly, we both arrived in Dublin on the 20th of December. After a nap in our hotel we made our way to Brasserie Sixty6 for the annual xmas dinner. I was alarmed that there was no vegetarian options on the xmas menu, but we were accommodated quite well on request. It was a very pleasant evening, followed by a night cap back at our hotel with our good friends Art and Cath. Atypically, for the festive period in Dublin, we got a taxi fairly instantly.

The next evening we had planned to, so went for dinner with our friend Alex, his wife Elisa, and their 3 extremely mannerly and talented children, Javi, Ali and Pau (there are some abbreviations there, and probably misspellings). They will all move to Perth this month, where Alex has, unsurprisingly, found work. All I can say is; Ireland's loss will be Australia's gain. I'm afraid I don't have a picture.

Then, on our last night in Dublin, we met our friends Fearghal, with his wife Joanne, and Mairead with her fiancé, Roberto, and daughter, Reidín. We enjoyed our Indian food very much, which was preceded by a drink in The Bridge.

At this point we parted and went our separate ways, Claire to Bavaria for her family xmas, and I to Mullaloughan for xmas with mine. Xmas was fun, in which I managed to remain 90% vegan. After this, my brother Jimmy, drove me to the airport, where quite by accident, we met Claire's mother on her way to New Ross to see her mother.

I then flew to Munich airport where Claire's brother Jack drove Claire to meet me off the plane. Together, we made our way to Claire's where we spent three days, during which, as well as catching some of the Darts on TV, we managed an evening in Füssen where Jack, Claire and I had Indian food.

Jack drove us the two hours to Munich to meet up with Pia & Niall, the other Irish lad living in Germany. So we would spend new year's eve with them in Munich. After a very enjoyable time, during which we all watched, very traditionally, Dinner for One. It is 15 minutes of unsubtle humour, in English, which has become something of a custom for Germans at New Year's.  No photos, I'm afraid.

Between using the treadmill in Mullaloughan, and Pia encouraging me to walk when possible in Munich; this was a great Xmas for training.

My Tree

Sadly, I left the charger for my Yband in Monaghan. So my tree won't receive any water for the time being, while I wait for it to be posted. But here are some recent screenshots. You will notice my new spectators.


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