
I'll start by stating that I'm unsure if it's the result of trauma endured through the accident because, it's not entirely uncommon for an Irish person for reasons I shall go into, but I have an under active thyroid (hypothyroidism). I can take a daily tablet (L thyroxin), which sorts me out, so much so that I feel it my duty, to warn everyone, especially my Irish readership, to get yourselves checked out, with a simple blood test, see your G.P.

I certainly remember being the person who was more fond than others of calorific foods, I was always carrying a little more weight than was standard. Another symptom, of which I suffered, was cold feet and hands. Especially the hands burrrrr! Those days are behind me now. My new metabolism, coupled with my new sleeping habits, should mean a healthier, happier Declan 2.0.

Check this out. Fortunately my iodine levels are taken care of now that I live in Germany. I have already lost some weight, as my BMI dropped, for possibly the first time since adolescence, into the "normal" zone. I am now 85kg (13 stone, 5 lbs). 80(12 stone, 8 lbs, still on the high side of normal) will be my target, as I continue training for my triathlon, that will hopefully include some muscle.

My aforementioned new sleeping habits are from 9pm to 5/6am. This helps me to avoid snacking between meals, and it takes less getting-used-to than you might think. It will also afford me some time to kickstart my days with some excercise, in the future.


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