The Elevator Ant

I'd like to thank Alex for providing the first non-Claire guest article, also not in his mother-tongue. For shame! everybody else

Guest Blogger: Alex Marginet

Declan and I met at work for the first time and we often tended to skew our conversations toward our territory, of software development. It is interesting to see how bright one’s face can become while discussing a new software technique, algorithm or programming language properties. I saw this kind of face once, when Declan was preparing his jump to Germany in 2016. He was about to be interviewed by a company in Hamburg and had an assignment to be submitted before flying there. It is very common these days to receive an exercise and a deadline. Thus, the candidate has the opportunity to show his/her skills and the recruiting committee can find out many interesting facts about the candidate’s skills, mental processes and personality. Declan’s assignment was a variation of the famous travelling salesman problem applied to trains, stations and routes. Basically the problem is, given a series of places on a map, a start point and a destination, find the shortest path where the salesman has visited all the points. “Shortest” can be viewed from several points of view; distance, time, CO2 emissions, number of pubs… The idea is to find the optimal vector of performance. He did a brilliant job with his assignment and had very clear ideas about best approaches to the problem. Then, one afternoon, while discussing this topic, we started looking deeper at some of the “ant colony optimisation” algorithms. I remember myself being amazed with the new world that we were discovering and I could see that brightness in Declan’s face. I don’t remember if he was hired or what was the outcome of all that, but that afternoon was sublime for me.

Ants are very interesting animals, especially from the social point of view. They rarely behave as individuals, looking for their individual benefit, but usually as part of a colony and working toward a common goal. I do not know what is the world's vision of an ant and maybe they are also acting out of pure self interest (i.e. instinct) that, from our super scale point of view results in what we perceive. Anyway, their patterns for collaboration may be very helpful if we adapt and reproduce them to solve our human problems. Recently, Declan wrote an article about elevators and I started researching how to prepare for interviews. I am amazed about how things work together, like ants do, to put a topic in front of me over and over. It turns out that many companies are using the amazing Elevator Saga game, created by Magnus Wolffelt, as an interview tool.

I must admit that it is one of the best resources I have ever seen. It can be used for all programming skills. Basically, it consists of a programming interface where the candidate has to implement the software for a set of elevators in different buildings and transport a minimum number of people in a defined period of time. Every level is defined by a building with different floors, number of elevators, and goal. The programmer will then add code and run it and will see how that code performs. While playing with it, I discovered that elevator’s software are very complex and there are many factors that can be improved to get to the optimal performance. After talking to Declan and reading his article, I discovered that the most restrictive parameters or bottlenecks are the users -as usual- and how to influence their behaviour. If we think of elevators as closed systems with only one or two inputs and outputs we will end up with the traditional systems, where users wait for ages and efficiency is far from optimal. We need more inputs and more outputs. If we think about other systems, elevators' interfaces are quite primitive in comparison. These are some of my proposals to improve those interfaces:
  • Disabled Call buttons
  • Call buttons with destination floor
  • Cancel call button
  • Indicator of elevator to serve order
  • Use of ant colony algorithms 

Obviously, I am thinking of systems involving several elevators with certain customer traffic.

For single-elevator buildings the problem is very different and it can only be improved from the behavioural point of view. The idea is to provide a console on each floor, using modern interface, where the customer enters the destination floor, it is very important that this interface has “cancel” functionality, because we, as users, make mistakes, even when there are two buttons, up and down. After entering the destination floor, the interface should immediately display which elevator has been scheduled to serve the request. The user will wait in front of the elevator that will serve his/her request. Once inside the elevator, no console is available because the order is already queued. Safe and secure buttons are required, to prevent the gratuity of use, I would introduce an artificial delay in serving short distance requests. Let’s say you are on 7th floor and enter 6th floor on the interface, then the system should schedule this order to the end of the worst possible queue, after finishing serving all the rest of scheduled tasks, and also making up a delay if needed. This would discourage most of the users from using elevators for shorter distances. One exception to this is the “disabled” call button. It works in the opposite way: once the disabled button is pressed, the order will be pushed as the next immediate command to serve for the closest elevator. Obviously, this button would only work when all the customers behave civilly. Finally, the use of the ant colony algorithms would help to find the optimal serving order for each elevator. Depending on the system’s size, path calculation using brute force is almost impossible, and here is where ant colony patterns excel.

Our daily life is often like an elevator set: we want to serve many things at the same time by just using our brute force, we do not pay attention to what is important for us, the part of us deserving more attention, if serving stupid request will make us more inefficient, why move at such pace. In any case, I believe that the best way to face those issues is by forgetting about the human way, and being more collaborative as ants are.


The views expressed in this article, are not necessarily the views of the blog owner, rather they are the views and opinions of the guest blogger.


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