
This week I'll address my expectations vs reality. But first, this weekend saw the arrival of my family (I'll name them for the usual reason; Jim, Triona, Cathy and Siobhán. Mam is off the hook for a guest post, owing to her having transcribed my earlier interviews, there's another on the way, by the way, but the rest are encouraged to get blogging) Saturday, when they arrived we made plans to go for dinner in my usual haunt, the Burger Lab. As usual, they delivered, figuratively. I enjoyed a vegan blackbean burger, with sweet potato fries. My sisters left on Sunday but my parents and I had a pleasant Sunday lunch in lavastein and a dinner in the evening, in Taverna Corfu, which was able to cater for us, including vegan options.

I'm brought back to my fan-email to Professor Robert Sapolsky, in which I outlined a symptom I had been portraying. Basically, from very early on, I had been expecting to be "up and at 'em" in ridiculously little time. I expected to be home from the Schoen Klinik in time for Xmas, 2017. I think it was in no small part due to the unprecedented, for me, seriousness of my injuries. The longest I had been in hospital, prior to this, was 3 weeks, so it felt like a safe bet. How wrong I was. Professor Sapolsky agreed, and this is a primate behaviour expert no less, that it was probably an evolved behaviour, that helped to prevent suicide.

I'm afraid I've done it again, again, by suggesting that I'll be able to take part in a triathlon in 2019. At this current rate I'll be very lucky if I'll be ready by 2020. I have ordered this rowing machine as a prelude to my serious triathlon training. It should arrive today. As well as that, I hope to get my turbo trainer up and running with zwift I am also looking into this to help me train for walking. Dr Ottes from Reha Hamburg is organising it for me, I'm due to meet with Dr Gharavi, the inventor, on 12th of April.

So, sooner or later, I will probably morph this blog to a triathlon training resource. Thank you all for reading so far, I hope you will stick with the blog and, hopefully, I'll be able to guilt some of my guest bloggers into training, in parallel, and submitting some of their experiences.

I'll finish this blog article with a heartfelt apology to Claire for my serial, misguided, unworkable optimism. I feel confident that it'll sort itself out, in a couple of weeks.


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